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Thursday, April 3, 2008


One of the reasons I have not posted lately is because I've been on a trip through the present. I know it sounds silly, but when you read "a new earth, awakening to your life's purpose" by Eckhart Tolle, this is exactly what could happen to you.

To be honest it's hard to talk about his book, you have to read it and feel it within you. This is not material "to understand", you don't need to be of certain age, or have a certain education, you are ready for it or not yet. Eckhart even recommends to put the book away for a while if it does not make any sense to you.

It is about becoming conscious, transcending your ego and discovering your true, 'bare' Self. You are not your thoughts, you are not your history, and you are not your body, and the moment you think: "I don't know who I am anymore" you're getting close to meet your true Self ;-)

WOW, is the word that comes out of my mouth during reading almost every page. It's a beautiful, peaceful, serene, and sacred, feeling. Again, it's an experience that goes beyond words.

I feel like I've been invited to become a student of the Universe, a privileged feeling, and very exiting indeed. I am getting better at observing myself and being more in the present moment. I enjoy things much intenser, and I am less affected by external things.

I feel that I am disconnecting from identifying myself with my past, and I am less concerned about the future. I realize that there really is only NOW, yet I can enjoy taking inspired action (while being present) for something I'd like to accomplish.

Geez, forgive me if this all sounds like lala land bla bla to you...JUST READ THIS BOOK!

Love to you, YOXOMO

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