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Thursday, October 29, 2009


A friend of mine mentioned this phenomena during his talk radio show recently. He told the story of an experiment they did during his preschool years (mid 50's). All the children received a plant on their desk to take care of. One plant remained in an open box on top of a cabinet. It received water but no other attention. Guess which plants flourished and which one did not?

Cleve Baxter, a polygraph scientist who did the controversial experiment with plants and animal cells. In the 60s, he decided to attach his polygraph electrodes to the now-famous dracaena in his office, then water the plant and see if the leaves responded. The plant indeed reacted to this event, so he decided to see what would happen if he threatened it, and formed in his mind the idea of lighting a match to the leaf where the electrodes were attached.

And that was when something happened that forever changed Baxter's life. For the plant didn't wait for him to light the match. It reacted to his thoughts! Through further research, Baxter found that it was his intent, and not merely the thought itself, that brought about this reaction.

He also discovered that plants were aware of each other, mourned the death of anything, strongly disliked people who killed plants carelessly or even during scientific research, and fondly remembered and extended their energy out to the people who had grown and tended them, even when their "friends" were far away in both time and space.

In fact, he found, plants can react "in the moment" to events taking place thousands of miles away. And not only are they psychic, they also are prophetic, anticipating negative and positive events, including weather.

His intend brought a reaction...what a great example of how we manifest our life, by our thoughts and intentions...

Thoughts become things, choose them wisely.

P.S. I do not believe that we attract things like violence and natural disasters, but they could be part of our personal blueprint, encouraging us to grow and become stronger.

Be well, MO

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