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Monday, July 16, 2007

My first Blog

Entry for July 9, 2007

Gosh, less than an hour ago, a good friend of mine suggested I should start my own Blog. you go!

It’s kind of scary to share 'yourself' with the world like this. Excuse this first time blogster for her little steps into this new environment!

Although the years have made me mellower, I do like to stir things up a little…

Short background: Originally from the Netherlands, no not Amsterdam, and I don’t walk around on wooden shoes! Studied Graphic Design and Photography. Wrote an essay about the essence of being a female, which I am now re-writing and turning into a real book! Very excited about that. Moved to the US in 2000, lived in the Bay Area (California), then Tokyo, then The Hague, then Irvine (Southern California) and now the state for Lovers: Virginia.

Let me think a bit about my Blog content and approach, I’ll be back before you blink!


Tip of the Veil

Let me lift the tip of my veil and show you some of the future contents of this Blog.
Modern priestesses like Paris Hilton – Thoughts become Things – The Secret – Chop wood and carry water – Quantum Physics (as far as my blonde brain is able to conceive) with a little help from Dr. Quantum Fred Alan Wolf – Ancient Archetypes – Ho'oponopono – Godesses – Mirrorology by Willem de Ridder” The biggest changes happen when you stop believing that you should change” – Annie Sprinkle and her 101 uses for sex list…
I think this’ll will do for a start!



Unknown said...

Yo Mo... wanted to be first to coment on what will prove to be a "most excellent blog"!

Very excited to read your comments on Paris.... no, not the city... as well as the rest!

So Go Mo Go! :)

YOXOMO said...

You're my first comment to my first Blog! LOL
Merci, Mo

Mario said...

So Glad to find your blog, I will be reading often as I see what you see see?